The Bavarian German Restaurant & Pub - Colombo

The Bavarian Restaurant and Pub is an German establishment in Colombo - Sri Lanka- from 1983.
Is a typical German Pub, with  tables and chairs in plain wood, cold and discrete lights, and a fantastic menu.

You can choose from steak, sausage platters,  burgers, pork, beef, chicken or also vegetables plates, all of that accompanied with a cocktail or fresh beer, imported or local.

The portion are very big: I took the pork schnitzel (a flat steak coated in bread crumb and fry), with mushroom sauce, fried potato and a little salad, and was difficult arrive till the end of it ... but was amazing.

The burgers are also huge: between two buns you'll have a double beef burger, a fried egg, onion ring, tomato, lettuce, cheese and fried potato aside.

The ambiance is clean and very comfortable and the service is fast.
The quality of the food match the amount that you pay: a dinner for two is around LKR 4000/-,  but is worthy. 


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